cycle coaching cairns

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Trail Running - location TBA
7:30 AM07:30

Trail Running - location TBA

Long running km on a trail run. Trail running cairns

All participants must one TA members and must have with them, food (gels, infinit or solid food) as well as a camel back with plenty of water (min 2 litres) and have a pressure bandage and phone in case of snake bite or injury. 

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Triathlon Brick Coaching session - Swim and Cycle
6:30 AM06:30

Triathlon Brick Coaching session - Swim and Cycle

Please bring all your cycling gear and swim gear. / if it looks like it could be wet. please bring run gear.

Meet at the undercover area of Trinity Beach Stinger Net area (slightly to the south of the net)

We will be starting off with a swim and then doing  cycle loops.

All participants must be members of Triathlon Australia


Tea and coffee after!


Triathlon Brick session - Swim and Cycle

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